3 September 2012

Aprons and Bags Galore!

But what to do with them all?!

Found out yesterday that I wasn't accepted into the next Crafternoon Tea market day.  Seems that many others are keen on crafting and it's a real challenge to be selected. The people are really nice but they can't take all who apply due to room shortage.  I'll have to try for another market to try and show the world my wares.

But I guess that answers my questions about whether others take sewing and crafting seriously.  It would seem there are heaps of people out there being creative and producing 'one of a kind' articles to grace your home and person.

And isn't that great?!  They (and I) are helping prevent the world being overrun with mass produced items and clothes that are designed to crap-out or be out of fashion within months of purchase. 

There is so much product available in the many (many) chain stores that we find in the ubiquitous malls that swallow up acres of our suburban shopping areas. Who buys it all? Where does it all go?

Much better to have a unique purchase that you can hear about from the very person who made it.  "Oh yes, I got that fabric on my trip to Khazastan" or "this peg bag is made from the skirt I saved from the op shop".

So I might be adding to the mountain of unnecessary items that exist in our world - but at least I'm providing an alternative to the mall, the imports and the faceless consumerism that seems to be driving us mad.

Gotta run now.  Volunteered to hand out pamphlets at the local mall about National Adult Learners Week.  Maybe some of the courses will be about sewing, knitting and other crafts?  Maybe I really don't need to worry about my 'low brow' hobby at all.

1 comment:

  1. You could sell your wares through Felt.co.nz - a great craft avenue :o)
